You NEED to join our loyalty program The Good Apple Club! Here's why...
It's sooo easy and it includes big rewards (hint free money and exclusive discounts) for our loyal customers. (Psst... later in August we will be sending out an email to our Good Apples with a discount code just for them, so now is the perfect time to join!) If you're already a regular at The Little Apple there's literally no reason not to!
Here's how! Spend $75 in a single transaction and you'll receive an "apple seed" and free super cute coin pouch. You'll be added to our VIP email list and receive information on members only discount codes throughout the year. PLUS, every time you spend $75 you'll receive an apple seed, and once you collect 5 apple seeds you can redeem them for a $25 gift card! The best part, this program applies in store or online! For online orders just please leave us a message in the "Add a note to your order" section of your cart before checking out to make sure you receive your apple seeds.
We look forward to being Good Apples together!
Contact us here if you have any questions.
X Brandy